3M Vinyl Numeral & Character Card Set
Model CS-V
Complete Set of Card Display Characters and Numerals for BLACK+GRAY Pit Board Systems.
Easy to set-up and easy to change during racing events.
Made in USA
- Premium 3M white vinyl lettering on high-contrast black background
- .06" thick Plastic Cards are extremely durable
- 24 Numeral Cards, 5 Character Cards, & 4 Timing Cards:
- 3 Cards of Each: 0, 1, 2, 3
- 2 Cards of Each: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- 1 Card of Each: T, L, P, +, - - Card Storage Bag included: 13 3/4" x 12" x 3 1/2
Large readable and legible 8" numerals, characters and messages.

Typographic clarity: legibility and readability.
Legibility is a function of typeface design...an informal measure of how easy it is to distinguish one letter from another in a particular typeface.
Readability is dependent upon how the typeface is used... a gauge of how easily words, phrases and blocks of copy can be read...in our case, at high speed.
The BLACK+GRAY "positive contrast" (light letter/dark background) display and modern typeface results from research and testing. The 8" high extremely legible and readable numerals and characters with typographic features such as large, open counters, ample lowercase x-heights and character shapes that are obvious and easy to recognize makes our display design very suitable for a Pit Board application.